
Longing for Home

Recently, Elijah and I and our baby son packed up our home in a Pennsylvania city and moved ourselves to the land of our ancestors. We now live on the edge of a little village nestled in the Taunus mountains and are slowly discovering what it means to call this … Read More

Learning from the Prohibition Failure

America had a drinking problem in the late 1800s. If you look through old Baptist and Methodist hymnals (I’ve done this myself), you’ll find a slew of odd songs about drunkards, playing cards, praying moms and the evils of “booze.” Additionally, children’s story books from the turn of the century … Read More

The Church Against Loneliness

How big of a deal is loneliness? Dr. Vivek H. Murphy, the current Surgeon General, said in the 2023 report “Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation”: “social disconnection was far more common than I had realized.” He goes on to state that half of American adults experienced loneliness, which is … Read More

The Demise of Community

This year, Verna and I read through Jayber Crow together for the first time. Wendell Berry’s fascinating and riveting—if somewhat rambling—fictional story about a small town in Kentucky from the early to late 20th century has stuck in my mind, making me process America’s recent history from the lens of … Read More

It Is Not Good for Man to Be Alone

Adam didn’t have much life experience. God had just recently breathed life into him and placed him in the newly-planted garden of Eden. After giving him one simple rule, and a dire warning of the consequences for breaking it, God stated a simple but shocking fact about Adam’s personhood: “It … Read More