
Remembering Tim Keller

Tim Keller’s passing (May 19, 2023) hit me pretty hard. Though I didn’t know him personally, he was one of the people I most respected. I’m fortunate that I did get to hear him preach in person multiple times—both at conferences and at his church, Redeemer Presbyterian in Manhattan. Back … Read More

When Thinking Is Not Enough

I’m convinced that people don’t think enough. Bad thinking permeates every sphere of our society—the church is certainly not immune. Pursuing a more vibrant understanding of truth is a worthwhile cause and something that needs to be emphasized more in our churches. Naturally, we can’t pursue truth—whether it’s knowledge about … Read More

Embracing Tension

There is a struggle inherent in Christianity that I do not think is discussed enough at its deepest level. Although we experience this struggle to no end, we do not sufficiently discuss why the struggle continues and where it comes from. Those will be the keys which will give us … Read More

History Demands Humility

To the extent that we understand both the breadth and the length of the story of humanity, we must draw back from the pride of the present. As humans, we naturally idolize the Now. I was recently at the ruins of ancient Jerash, a Roman city in modern-day Jordan. I … Read More