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We think that people don’t think enough – and definitely not enough truth. When we view the world we live in and the Christian milieu which surrounds us…well, it seems that a lot more thinking needs to be done.
But not just any sort of thinking. We need to engage in thinking that results in a greater desire and love for God. It’s important to have proper motivation for learning. St. Paul told us that some types of knowledge puffs up, while love builds others up. So, we are aiming for knowledge resulting in more love for God and people.
Consider that as you read.
We are searching for clarity and wisdom in stale debates. We want to bring the potency of the full Word of God into the discussions which engage our generation.
We want to join with God’s people in building His Church, while understanding our place in redemptive history. Although we get that there will be strong opinions and differences, especially when we address somewhat controversial issues, we wish to show God’s love to the world through uncompromised truth, and never to promote meaningless doctrinal warfare and negativity.
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Four Ways to Support Those Struggling with Mental Health
You’re likely aware of the recent skyrocketing of mental health conditions. More than likely this has come close to home for you, whether you have experienced the struggle to overcome debilitating depression and anxiety, or you have walked with a…
“To the King and the Kingdom!”
Editor’s Note: This article was co-authored by Elijah & Verna Lloyd. Verna: It was a dreary October day and I was cleaning up the food scattered all around our toddler’s chair. My thoughts matched the weather as it dwelt on…
Personal Reflections on Election Season
Driving down the road, or walking around the neighborhood, one can’t help but notice the yard signs—election season is here. Presidential election season, to be precise, and a polarizing cycle at that. As a citizen of Christ’s kingdom, I don’t…
Incarnational Evangelism
I used to work at a farm that sold sheep and goats to ethnic Muslim immigrants from all over the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. One day, as I was working on some chores, several young Mauritanian men walked in…
This Is Not AI Generated
AI is everywhere, it seems. Newscasters are talking about it, tech companies are hyping it, and students are cheating in English class with it. Some people are worried that their jobs will be replaced by AI, others are scared it’ll…
Identity in Christ: Individuality, Belonging, and Story
Have you ever asked yourself the question, “who am I?” If you have, you’re certainly not alone. The question of personal identity has been a recurrent topic of human thought throughout the ages, and is likely one that each of…
Why Don’t We Like Evangelism?
It was a sweltering summer afternoon in Columbus, Ohio. I stood on the sidewalk, staring into the irate eyes of a woman who had been passing by. I, along with some folks from church, had left my secluded house in…
Longing for Home
Recently, Elijah and I and our baby son packed up our home in a Pennsylvania city and moved ourselves to the land of our ancestors. We now live on the edge of a little village nestled in the Taunus mountains…
Why Do We Want to Be Distracted?
I haven’t written in a while. I wanted to write this post months ago, but with cruel irony, my mind was too cluttered to find the creative space needed to write an article about technology and isolation. I found myself…