Paul Lamicela

Dr. Paul Lamicela (PhD in biblical theology) teaches biblical studies through his Biblical Storyline Academy ( Paul’s passion is to help people know, be shaped by, and love the truth, goodness, and beauty of the one grand story of Scripture—which we are swept into through Jesus. Paul loves teaching and enjoys good conversations and good books (especially biblical studies and classic fiction). Paul is a very happy husband to Laura, and a member of Charity Christian Fellowship in Leola, PA. Paul and Laura’s hobbies include cooking (especially Mediterranean) and travel (especially in Europe).

Posts By Paul Lamicela:

Wedding as Divine Drama

Weddings are beautiful; something about them moves us. But if you think about it, they’re also a bit strange. Think about it: a man and a woman decide to start a life together, but to do so the woman has to wear a brand-new solid white dress (which she won’t … Read More

Fellow Heirs, Kings and Queens

Immediately after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, God rather cryptically foretold that from then on, the relationship between man and woman would be fraught with attempts to dominate and subvert each other (Gen 3:16). Well, sure enough.  Mainstream society today is trying very hard to push back against … Read More